Friday, October 31, 2008

The real reason N.Y. Times, Washington Post are plummeting ...

The real reason N.Y. Times, Washington Post are plummeting ...

The main-stream media is at its worst in producing lies after lies about McCain and Sarah Palin. The mainstream media professional journalists are professional liars par excellence by using their poisonous 'power of the pen' and liars' strategies - like the shepherd boy who cried "Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!"

WND Scoops

You read it here first!

In journalism, they're called "Hey Martha" stories, news items so amazing that when you hear them, you just want to shout across the room: "Hey Martha, listen to this!" Here are a few recent examples, culled from countless "WND Scoops" – stories first reported by

* Friends of Barack: In an interview that made world headlines and became a major theme in the 2008 presidential campaign, a top adviser to the terror group Hamas told WND, during a live broadcast, he "hopes" Barack Obama becomes president and compared the Illinois senator to John F. Kennedy

* Wicked-pedia: The mega-website Wikipedia was found to have hundreds of graphic homosexual images, and the FBI launched an investigation into child pornography on the ubiquitous online encyclopedia

* Get those drunk illegals back on the road: A Bakersfield, Calif., drug treatment facility helps illegal aliens with multiple DUIs – many of them unable to read – to get their driving privileges reinstated

* Brainwashing 101: A new plan by a California legislator proposes allowing schools to promote the overthrow of the U.S. government and to let teachers "inculcate in the mind of any pupil a preference for communism.

* Armed and dangerous: A Colorado family was stunned when nearly a dozen members of a police SWAT team punched a hole in their front door and invaded their home with guns drawn, demanding their son go to the hospital after suffering an accidental fall the day before. The boy was fine

* Money madness: With America plunging into recession and many citizens suspicious of the Federal Reserve, it turns out current Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke himself explicitly admits the Federal Reserve caused the worst financial disaster in U.S. history – the Great Depression.

The press has undergone a dramatic transformation in the last generation. A field once dominated by the Washington Post, the New York Times and the "big three" broadcast networks today offers a multitude of choices – thanks largely to groundbreaking communications technologies like the Internet. Thus, today many of the hottest stories you hear on cable TV news or talk radio or even the Old Media establishment originate not in corporate mega-newsrooms, but in the revolutionary online world of the "New Media," where WND has long been the leader.

So for the sake of new readers who may not be familiar with the decade-plus track record of, we present this ongoing feature: "WND Scoops: You read it here first!"

Although by no means an exhaustive listing of original stories, "Scoops" features some of the high-profile stories that have had the greatest impact on Americans over the last 11 years.

Here are links to lists of just some of the stories WND has broken, categorized by year:

2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997

World Net Daily

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