Thursday, October 16, 2008

Obama IS dangerous

VOTE McCain-Palin

Jill has left a new comment on the post "John and Sarah: The Comeback Kids":

Obama is described as "pro-abortion" and not "pro-choice." The writers draws parallels to slavery.

Something Catholics or other pro lifers may want to know.

"Senator Obama, when asked by Rick Warren when a baby gets human rights, replied: 'that question is above my pay grade.' It was a profoundly disingenuous answer: For even at a state senator's pay grade, Obama presumed to answer that question with blind certainty. His unspoken answer then, as now, is chilling: human beings have no rights until infancy - and if they are unwanted survivors of attempted abortions, not even then."

AnOldMan has left a new comment on the post "John and Sarah: The Comeback Kids":

Well, it doesn't appear to me that McCain is going to be able to pull this out of the fire. Can't even say I agree with a lot of what he has to offer. But I detest Obama and what he stands for. Good News? I think Gov. Palin is a rising star and will make a great president in 2012. Palin for President – 2012

momprayn has left a new comment on the post "John and Sarah: The Comeback Kids":

Be sure and listen to Rush today!! saying a lot of interesting stuff. He agrees that McCain won last night & that's REALLY good, coming from him! He tells it "like it is". Yes, new "star"/"game changer" is JOE THE PLUMBER!!! Rush talking about that at great length plus an interview with him. Yes, THANK YOU GOD! As I write, listening to McCain's rally in PA also. Just said the biggest star was JOE the PLUMBER! They will use this for all its worth (which is probably a lot!!) Thank you!!! Also reiterated about how he is not Pres. Bush (as in the debate). So they are pushing that one too. Yes, they need to proclaim the Socialistic stuff & connection to this economic mess, etc. He seems more energetic & pumped. As they say at the football games, "Let's go, let's go, let's REALLY GO!!!!"

azaeroprof has left a new comment on the post "John and Sarah: The Comeback Kids":

A couple comments:

While I agree that McCain did better last night, he did leave several openings unplugged. Particularly with regard to the 95% tax issue...he's REALLY got to hit that.

If we had an impartial media, I truly believe that "share the wealth" would be Obama's equivalent to "the fundamentals of the economy are strong". As it is, Joe the Plumber puts a face on that and is getting a good bit of attention. Obama must be seriously worried about it, because he's already sent Biden out trying to trash Joe the Plumber's credibility. Typical Chicago response from David Axelcrook.

Finally, on the subject of a possible 'October Surprise', watch the Peter Berg court case in PA challenging Obama's citizenship. When I first heard about this in August, I figured it was something along the lines of the 9-11 conspiracies. However, the more I hear about it, the more I learn about Berg, and the more I see Obama refusing to submit documents and trying (along with the DNC) to stonewall the case, the more credibility it seems to have. And there's a Clinton connection(the judge!). I've been watching carefully for behind-the-scenes Clinton efforts to stop Obama, you just know they're working on it. Watch this video:

It's gotten almost a million hits since last Friday. Makes you wonder, at least.

Keep praying and, God willing, we can all celebrate Sarah's oath of office on Jan. 20!

Mountain Mama has left a new comment on the post "John and Sarah: The Comeback Kids":

At, Laura Hollis wrote today that "It's Time to Use the "C" Word" for Obama: "Communist."

Now, I was skeptical----until I read more:
Obama has already been mentored by Frank Marshall Davis, who was apparently not only a Communist and a bigot, but also a pervert, and who warned Obama not to go off to college or fall for “equal opportunity and the American way and all that s***.” Despite concerted efforts by the media to hide this information, Obama’s connections with the Communist Party have been unearthed by independent investigators >>

Decide for yourself by reading Andrew Walden's July 9, 2008 article at:

Look at how the Dems. are SO happy that our government has taken over several banks and other businesses. The USA is already becoming a socialist state.

McCain was right: Obama IS dangerous.

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