Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bristol Palin did not abort her baby

Vote McCain-Palin
Bristol Palin did not abort her baby

By Grant Swank

Sarah Palin is for abstinence prior to marriage as well as not murdering womb infants.

When her 17-year-old Bristol became pregnant, Bristol did not abort her child. Instead, she is expecting and praying for a healthy human being.

She is also going to marry the babyʼs father, handsome hockey hunk Levi Johnston.

So welcome to the real world, everybody. Welcome to the real world.

Evangelicals in particular are rallying around the Palin family. Why? Because evangelicals hold to the Bible as divine revelation.

In that Book there is a God who makes mortals accountable for their actions in this life. If these mortals sin against Godʼs expectations, these same mortals are invited by this God to repent sincerely of such transgressions..

When they do confess their sins to Savior Christ Jesus, divine mercy is extended. Those sins are cancelled out as if they never existed; that is the power of Godʼs mercy upon the repentant soul.

The repentant disciple is then extended the hand of Christ along lifeʼs way, continuing the Christian journey by the aid of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Therefore, evangelicals rejoice with Bristol in that she did not kill her womb baby. Further, they rejoice that she is surrounded by an evangelical family and friends throughout her community.

Now that community spreads around the world as believers are sending their prayers Bristolʼs way, beseeching God for a healthy child and heavenʼs best for the new family.

If Bristol had been reared in a theologically liberal household like B. Hussein Obamaʼs, it very well could be that she would have already aborted her child.

B. Hussein Obama and wife, Michelle, enthusiastically support abortion. In fact, when the Supreme Court outlawed partial-birth abortion, B. Hussein considered the decision horrific.

If Bristol has been reared in Hillary and Bill Clintonʼs household, it very well could have been that she would have been encouraged most certainly to murder her womb human. Clintonʼs are adamantly in favor of abortion. That includes the particularly cruel partial-birth abortion.

The same can be said for one reared in Jimmy Carterʼs household. Though a Baptist of sorts, he is not a biblical believer for both he and wife assertively, publicly support wiping out womb infants.

Bristol can be especially thankful for her parentsʼ spiritual convictions. They are grounded upon the Word of God. Therefore, when Bristol finds herself with child, the parents know how to approach the situation under the guidance of Scripture.

Yes, Bristol could have aborted her baby. No doubt she would have if growing up under liberal parentage such as Obamas, Clintons and Carters.

But genuine biblical disciples worldwide praise Christ for Bristol knowing the eternal verities by which she can find peace both at home and with her Lord.

© Grant Swank
September 2, 2008

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