Saturday, October 25, 2008

Palin Right on re: Obama's Ties to Terrorists

VOTE McCain-Palin

Palin Right on re: Obama's Ties to Terrorists

By J. Grank Swank Jr.
Oct 23, 2008 - 7:57:49 AM

Even if B. Hussein Obama becomes President, the conservative investigations will continue throughout his term..

Just because the mask Muslim walks into the Oval Office does not mean anything really but an upping of delving into who the deceiver actually is.

That will dog him all his days in office, the opposition never letting up. It is their moral imperative. They would not be moralists if they retreated. Their ethic demands that they unearth facts to the last one B. Hussein has tried to bury.

Therefore, when Sarah Palin said on TV that she does not retract her statement that B. Hussein is "palling around with terrorists," she will be proven clinging to truth.

He does hang out with terrorists. He has hung out with terrorists. Terrorists will be at his White House door if he makes it to Pennsylvania Avenue. Every one of them will be demanding a terrifying handout.

How can anyone write B. Hussein as an all-American patriot when he has Muslims on campaign and Congressional staff, locks arms with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakan, considers still Jeremiah Wright as father figure anti-white anti-Jew pro-Hamas mentor, and stated "my Muslim faith" in an ABC interview?

Further, terrorist nations are waiting at the American election results door, believing with all their demented hearts that their comrade Muslim will be elected President. These countries are laden with killers who want to bed down with B. Hussein.

Further, get this from Muammar Gadhafi:

"'There are elections in America now. Along came a black citizen of Kenyan African origins, a Muslim, who had studied in an Islamic school in Indonesia. His name is Obama,' said Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi in little-noticed remarks he made at a rally marking the anniversary of the 1986 U.S. air raid on his country" per Aaron Klein of WorldNetDaily.

Sarah Palin, you are correct. B. Hussein hangs around with those who determine to underline the United States of America.

Days ahead will prove you more than correct, sadly.

Gadhafi: B. Hussein is Muslim

Here you have it:

"'There are elections in America now. Along came a black citizen of Kenyan African origins, a Muslim, who had studied in an Islamic school in Indonesia. His name is Obama,' said Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi in little-noticed remarks he made at a rally marking the anniversary of the 1986 U.S. air raid on his country" per Aaron Klein of WorldNetDaily.

So B. Hussein slips in an ABC interview to state "my Muslim faith."

Now Gadhafi confirms that to be fact.

No wonder the Muslim world throughout the globe is waiting anxiously for a B. Hussein presidential win.

Can we believe Gadhafi? Of course.

Why would he say that if he did not believe it himself? He wouldn't. He knows that B. Hussein is Muslim. He states that B. Hussein is Muslim. B. Hussein has himself confessed to being of the "Muslim faith."

What more can be printed for the reading public to take in than that?

Yet liberal media feeds continue to recite that B. Hussein is "Christian." Of course biblically knowledgeable believers know that that is a hoax.

B. Hussein is no more Christian than Hindu. He breaks every biblical ethic. He confesses that he reads the Bible but really knows not the Bible for he instructed a questioner to read the Sermon on the Mount to find out what was there to endorse homosexual "marriages."

Matthew 5-7, the Sermon on the Mount passage, has nothing to state about homosexuality, let alone homosexual nuptials.

In other words, B. Hussein is Muslim. Muslim rule will ensue if becoming President. It will be quite convenient for Muslim B. Hussein then to stay in line with the Koran for George W. Bush was foolish enough to place that volume in the White House library during a Ramadan dinner where guests were Muslim leaders.

America, beware..

The Muslim cloud is soon to hang heavily over our Republic if B. Hussein hoodwinks the ignorant into voting him onto Pennsylvania Avenue..

J. Grant Swank Jr.

Palin: Nov 4 Results 'in God's Hands'

By J. Grank Swank Jr.
Oct 25, 2008 - 5:30:09 AM

Sarah Palin stated to Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family founder, that the election results are "in God's hands."

That is typical Christian Sarah Palin.

When Dr. Dobson asked her how she lives with the beatings liberals have given her, she replied typical Christian Sarah Palin. In short, she said that all of that is surrendered to God.

In other words, Sarah Palin's life is not her own. She long ago submitted her existence to the God of the Bible. Every like-committed biblical believer has done the same.

Christ asked of His disciples that they keep His commandments, consecrating their existences to the divine impress. That has been the stance of genuine disciples since Christ's day.

Therefore, when Sarah Palin was interviewed on Focus on the Family, she was totally transparent. Biblical believers could understand her every word for it is quite familiar to evangelicals in particular. Her verbiage and the life supporting that wordage is the same that evangelicals seek to convey to the world.

More specifically, Sarah Palin stated that whatever occurs in the national presidential elections will not be her doing or that of John McCain and the Republican Party. It will be what God permits. In that is Sarah Palin's resignation and her peace.

With that kind of poise, Sarah Palin then speaks honesty. In that, she defies the political opportunism of her opposition. In that, she angers the liberals, particularly the press who want her over and out.

Naturally Sarah Palin knows what the opposition is going to do to her. She, after all, knows her Bible. It was Christ who warned His own with these words: "They hate me. They will hate you."

Therefore, Sarah Palin expects to be despised by the ungodly. If she were embraced by them, then her biblical witness would no doubt be bogus. However, because she is sincere, she is blasted to right and left. All the more, that in itself reveals her true faith.

Throughout this campaign then grassroots Christians have taken to heart Sarah Palin's example. They have learned from her how to stand firm while being maligned by the worldlings. It is part of the Christian turf.

Christians have learned from this woman how to speak articulately without compromising one's ethic. She has exampled before believers how to be strong while at the same time forgiving to one's enemies.

Never once has Sarah Palin lashed out at the oppositions' slanders and lies. Instead, when asked how she has endured their meanness, she has pointed to the less fortunate of the world who live with many more deep scars than she will ever have to deal with.

She has always turned away from her own wounds inflicted by the opposition and pointed to those who have suffered far worse than she. That is the Christian way to respond. In that, Sarah Palin has exhibited wisdom maximum.

Therefore, taking Sarah Palin at her word, she lives for today's God plan and leaves November 4 finality with that same God.

It's the victory way to live, running for Vice President or simply living the Christian life wherever.


There are those already talking about Sarah Palin being elected US President in four short years. It could happen.

She is dearly loved by those who dearly love her. And of course she is disdained by the liberals who despise her.

All the more her devotees are riveted to their loyalty commitments for Sarah Palin as White House Chief after B.. Hussein bungles it if unfortunately elected in 2008.

"Palin will be a force in 2012, said Thomas Ash in Open Democracy, no matter what happens in November. If McCain wins, he'll be 76 at the end of his first term and 'possibly too old to run again.'

"Palin has 'ample and passionate support' from the party's conservative base, and that could be all she needs to make her the GOP's next choice."

Further, biblical believers take seriously her claim that the November 4 elections are "in God's hands." Therefore, because of her Christian faith, she could very well be the presidential win in 2012 because God ordains it to be so.

Anti-God individuals consider that foolishness maximum. Biblical believers are well aware of that reaction and so brace themselves all the more in their faith. They have run into the opposition on numerous occasions in the past and are seasoned to withstand the doubters.

For certain, whatever occurs in Sarah Palin's life, she has surrendered her existence to the God of the Bible. She states that unabashedly. It is her foundation. In that is her poise and peace.

Interestingly enough, Michelle Obama has not given witness to such faith. If she had, it can be guaranteed that the liberal press would not have blasted her as they have sought to undercut Sarah Palin.

Nevertheless, Palin and like Christians know that the Scriptures inform them that believers are not welcomed in this spiritually fallen planet. Therefore, they consider opposition a given. With that given, they move ahead confident that Providence is at work regardless of backlashes.

A B. Hussein presidential win will no doubt bring about just the angst that Joe Biden let slip in one of his public statements. Biden preached that an Obama win to the Oval Office would trigger some sort of attack from elsewhere.

No doubt.

A mask Muslim B. Hussein will not satisfy all the Muslim factions. Therefore, one or more will seek his favor; when it is not forthcoming, he certainly will be attacked in some fashion for being tardy or totally delinquent.

There is no monolithic block of unity among Muslims. They fight one another to the death, as is witnessed with Sunnis and Shittes in Iraq.

Therefore, B. Hussein will satisfy one contingent while alienating another or others. He will pay severely for the latter. Consequently, if he does get to the Oval Office, it will be one war after another simply because the mask Muslim is on Pennsylvania Avenue.

With B. Hussein's rule imploding, Sarah Palin will look like a welcomed American patriot genuinely committed to serving the real grassroots citizenry of this country.

Read Open Democracy's Thomas Ash's "Palin 2012?"

Read Which Muslim Faction will attack B. Hussein

J. Grant Swank Jr.

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