Monday, November 3, 2008

Top Obama campaigner: Candidate lacks 'courage

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Top Obama campaigner: Candidate lacks 'courage

Congressman explains to concerned Jewish voters
why Democrat didn't bolt from Wright's church

Posted: November 03, 2008
2:13 pm Eastern

By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

Sen. Barack Obama lacked the "political courage" to leave his radical church of 20-odd years, one of the presidential candidate's main campaigners in the U.S. Jewish community suggested to concerned voters at an appearance in South Florida.

Answering questions at a synagogue in Boca Raton yesterday, six-term New York Rep. Jerrold Nadler attempted to explain why Obama remained at Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ for so long despite Rev. Jeremiah Wright's obviously controversial stances.

Nadler has been vigorously campaigning for Obama in the Jewish community the past few months

"I have no personal knowledge of what I'm about to say. What I'm about to say is my guess," began Nadler in videotaped comments posted last night on the Atlas Shrugs website run by blogger Pamela Geller.

"My guess, knowing how politics works, what I'm about to say is not particularly … ah ... not particularly complimentary towards Sen. Obama," Nadler said.

The video can be seen here:

"Think of the history here. You have a guy who's half-white, half-black. He goes to an Ivy League school, comes to Chicago ... to start a political career. Doesn't know anybody.

"Gets involved with community organizing – why? Because that's how you form a base. OK. Joins the largest church in the neighborhood. About 8,000 members. ... Why did he join the church? ... Because that's how you get to know people.

"Now maybe it takes a couple years," states Nadler, claiming eventually Obama begins to view Wright differently. "'Jesus, the guy's a nut, the guy's a lunatic.' But you don't walk out of a church with 8,000 members in your district."

Then a woman comments, "You don't walk in though."

"He didn't know it when he walked in, presumably," said Nadler.

"He didn't have the political courage to make the statement of walking out," Nadler said of Obama.

He repeated the remarks a second time.

"Now, what does it tell me? It tells me that he wasn't terribly politically courageous. Does it tell me that he agreed with the reverend in any way? No. It tells me he didn't want to walk out of a church in his district."

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