Monday, November 10, 2008



By J. Grant Swank, Jr.
Nov 10, 2008

Rahm Emanuel wants compulsory service for all Americans ages 18 – 25 per J. D. Tuccille, Civil Liberties Examiner at

B. Hussein Obama has chosen this left-of-left to be his chief of staff.

Emanuel wrote THE PLAN: BIG IDEAS FOR AMERICA. In that book, he writes that it is “time for a real patriot Act that brings out the patriot in all of us.”

His prime focus then is on these young people—forcing them into committed service. Will that set well with the young people who wept before B. Hussein’s feet in those mob hysteria fests? Will that set well with their parents? Will that set well with those younger than 18 at present who will turn 18 during the next four years?

Emanuel writes: “We propose universal civilian service for every young American.” There you have it in plain language. Is there any question?

This is the liberal rush of B. Hussein via his chief of staff. This is about which conservatives warned America. Now this will help implode the B. Hussein regime. He made such dreamy promises to the youth of this nation; but soon he will turn on them. They will know then what it is like to embrace a liar.

Remember that B. Hussein confessed via a slip of the tongue in an ABC interview these words: “my Muslim faith.”

He is Muslim. Muslims per Allah are encouraged to lie in order to see through Islam World Rule. Not many sites let this be known. But it is true. Therefore, B. Hussein’s tongue is laden with deceit.. He lies about being “Christian.” He breaks Christ’s moral code with endorsements of abortion and sodomy, for instance.

So now B. Hussein has as chief of staff a socializer equalizer who will spread the compulsory service requirement around to those 18 through 25. How loving. How caring. How genuinely hugging the youth who voted into office B. Hussein.

Get used to it, young people. You have voted for the hypocrisy ensconced in the Oval Office come January. Get used to it.

“All Americans between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five will be asked to serve their country by going through three months of basic training, civil defense preparation and community service.”

Emanuel wrote it. B. Hussein believes it.

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